Monday, 6 September 2010

Finishing touches and Opening Day!!!!

The finishing touches have been put to the building - everything from filling the sandpit,

rolling the lawn,

labelling chairs, digging over the wild flower borders,

staining buggy the store and putting things on the noticeboard, to getting cameras ready, recording answer phone messages

and building fences for the playhouse.

There has been so much to do and everyone has worked so hard to get the new Pre-school building to this point - ready to open.  Some are more impressed than others though!  This is Reuben, my youngest who came down to "help" stain the buggy store!

As I write this, children will be getting ready to make their journey to Kaleidoscope, some for the very first time.  We wish them all the best as they start this wonderful adventure and hope they enjoy exploring the amazing activities on offer in their new building.  We wish all the hard working staff well too, especially Lucy, who has worked tirelessly to ensure all the children feel at home and settled on their first day.  We hope your first day back is a fun one!  We will hopefully post some pictures of the first day as soon as we have them.

As the term goes on, the building will continue to become home.  It has been a long journey, and something of a roller coaster, but we are finally here and I think you will agree, it has been well worth it!  This has been and will continue to be a Community Project and we could not have done it without the help of so many people giving their time, skills, energy, and money so generously.  So, on behalf of everyone at Kaleidoscope and the children who will use the building for many years to come, THANK YOU!  Please come and celebrate with us on September 18th, it will be a lovely occasion and one which we are all looking forward to.